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Quick Google Site Search Bookmarklet

Jan 17, 2023 - Written by Joshua DeGrasse-Baumann - 1 min read

I’m super lazy and got tired of typing “site:{domain} {query}” into a new Google tab, so I wrote a quick bookmarklet to speed it up! Figured I’d share in case anyone is similarly keyboard disinclined:

javascript: (function() {
	let domain = prompt('Which domain would you like to search?',;

	if (!domain) {

	let query = prompt( 'What are you searching for?');

	if (!query) {

	open("" + domain + "+" + query, "_blank");

Just add this as the URL for a new bookmark, click that bookmark and you’ll be prompted for a search query. It’ll then do a site search for whatever site you’re already on!

Finally, I’ll get seconds of my time back!

Most practical applications probably include:

  • spot checking if a page is indexed
  • looking for potential cannibalization issues